String to Int, String to Double & Int to String

String to Int, String to Double & Int to String

String to Int:

  • In Dart, you can convert a string to an integer using the int.parse() function.

  • In this example, the int.parse() function is used to convert the string "1212" to an integer.

  • If the string contains a valid integer representation, the conversion will succeed, and the result will be stored in the integerValue variable.

  • However, if the string is not a valid integer representation a FormatException will be thrown.

  • Here is the example:

  • If you want to handle the case where the string might not be a valid integer, you can use a try-catch block to catch and handle the exception.

  • Here is the example:

  • Remember to handle potential errors when converting strings to integers to ensure your program behaves as expected, especially if the input data is not guaranteed to be a valid integer representation.

String to Double:

  • In Dart, you can convert a string to a double using the double.parse() function.

  • Here is the example:

  • In this example, the double.parse() function is used to convert the string "3.14" to a double.

  • If the string contains a valid decimal representation, the conversion will succeed, and the result will be stored in the doubleValue variable.

  • Just like with int.parse(), if the string is not a valid decimal representation (e.g., "abc" instead of a number), a FormatException will be thrown. To handle potential errors, you can use a try-catch block:

  • This ensures that your program doesn't crash if the string is not a valid decimal number, and it allows you to handle the error in a controlled way.

Int to String:

  • In Dart, you can covert an integer to a string using the toString() method.

    • In this example, the toString() method is used to convert the integer 42 to a string. The result is then stored in the stringValue variable, and you can use it in your program.

    • This can be particularly useful when you need to concatenate (combine) strings with integers or when working with functions that expect string arguments.