Shorthand Syntax Expression | Fat Arrow Notation | Arrow Functions

Shorthand Syntax Expression | Fat Arrow Notation | Arrow Functions

Shorthand Syntax Expression

Generally, shorthand syntax expression are concise way of writing certain code patterns that are common and repetitive.

// Longhand
int x = 10;
String result;
if (x > 5) {
    result = 'x is greater than 5';
} else {
    result = 'x is not greater than 5';

// Shorthand
int x = 10;
String result = x > 5 ? 'x is greater than 5' : 'x is not greater than 5';

Fat Arrow Notation

Generally in dart, we have fat arrow notation => . A fat arrow is used to define a single expression in a function.

This is a cleaner way to write functions with a single statement.

Syntax :

ReturnType FunctionName(Parameters...) => Expression;
  • ReturnType consists of datatypes like void, int, bool, etc..

  • FunctionName defines the name of the function.

  • Parameters are the list of parameters function requires.

Using of Arrow Function

  • The function peramOfRectangle is defined with two parameters: length and breadth, representing the length and breadth of a rectangle, respectively.

  • Instead of using curly braces {} to enclose a block of code for the function body, the => is used to directly indicate what the function returns or does. In this case, it prints out the calculated perimeter of the rectangle.

  • The print statement inside the function calculates the perimeter using the formula 2 * (length + breadth), and it interpolates this value into the string to display the result.