Dart Inheritance: Checking an Objects Type at runtime

Dart Inheritance: Checking an Objects Type at runtime

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Dart provides the is and as operators for checking an object's type at runtime. This is useful when you need to perform different actions based on the actual type of an object.


The is operator allows you to check if an object belongs to a certain type. So, you could use it to check if the toy you picked is a car, a doll, or something else.


The "as" operator allows you to safely convert an object to a specific type if you're sure it belongs to that type.

For example, if you've checked that the toy is a car, you can use the "as" operator to treat it as a car and access car-specific properties and methods.


class Animal {
  void makeSound() {
    print('Some generic sound');

class Dog extends Animal {
  void makeSound() {
    print('Bark! Bark!');

  void fetch() {
    print('Fetching the ball');

void main() {
  Animal myPet = Dog();

  if (myPet is Dog) {
    // Type check
    (myPet as Dog).fetch(); // Type casting


In this example, the is operator checks if myPet is of type Dog, and if true, the as operator is used to cast it to the Dog type to access the fetch method.