Dart: Difference between static method and instance method

Dart: Difference between static method and instance method

Let's compare static methods and instance methods in Dart and illustrate their differences in a table:

  1. Instance Method:

    • Instance methods are associated with an instance of a class. They have access to the instance's properties and can modify them.

    • These methods are invoked on an object of the class using dot notation.

    • Instance methods can be overridden in subclasses.

    • They can access instance variables and other instance methods directly.

Here's a simple example:

    // Define a class named Counter
    class Counter {
      // Instance variable to hold the counter value
      int value = 0;

      // Instance method to increment the counter value
      void increment() {
        value++; // Incrementing the counter value

    // Main function, the entry point of the program
    void main() {
      // Creating an instance of the Counter class
      var myCounter = Counter();

      // Invoking the increment method on the instance
      myCounter.increment(); // Incrementing the counter value

      // Printing the current value of the counter
      print(myCounter.value); // Output: 1
  1. Static Method:

    • Static methods are associated with the class itself rather than any particular instance.

    • They cannot access instance variables or methods directly because they are not tied to any specific instance.

    • Invoked using the class name directly, without creating an instance.

    • Static methods can be used for utility functions or operations that don't rely on instance-specific data.

Here's an example:

   dartCopy code// Define a class named MathUtils
   class MathUtils {
     // Static method to add two numbers
     static int add(int a, int b) {
       return a + b; // Returning the sum of the two numbers

   // Main function, the entry point of the program
   void main() {
     // Calling the static add method of MathUtils class
     var result = MathUtils.add(2, 3); // Adding 2 and 3

     // Printing the result of the addition
     print(result); // Output: 5

In summary, instance methods are tied to instances of a class and can access instance variables, while static methods belong to the class itself and cannot access instance-specific data. They are useful for different purposes and contexts within a program.