Dart Core Libraries 'dart:core'

Dart Core Libraries 'dart:core'

The dart:core library is automatically imported into every Dart program and contains fundamental types, utilities, and functionalities that are essential for Dart programming.

t includes core types, collections, utilities, and annotations that are essential for everyday programming tasks. Here are some of the key components of dart:core:

1. Core Types

  • Object: The root of the Dart class hierarchy. All Dart classes implicitly extend Object.

  • String: Represents a sequence of characters used for text manipulation and formatting.

  • int, double, num: Dart provides different numeric types for integers, floating-point numbers, and a common superclass num.

  • bool: Represents boolean values (true or false) used for logical operations.

2. Collections

  • List: Represents an ordered collection of elements.

  • Set: Represents a collection of unique elements, without duplicates.

  • Map: Represents a collection of key-value pairs.

3. Utilities and Functions

  • print(): Outputs text or values to the console for debugging and logging purposes.

  • String Interpolation: Allows embedding expressions within strings using ${} syntax.

  • DateTime: Represents dates and times.

  • Iterables and Iterators: Provides iteration capabilities for collections.

4. Annotations

  • @override: Indicates that a method overrides a superclass method.

  • @deprecated: Marks a program element as deprecated (discouraged from use).

Practical Examples

Let's demonstrate how these core components of dart:core are used in practice:

void main() {
  // Core types
  String message = 'Hello, Dart!';
  int number = 42;
  double piValue = 3.14;
  bool isDartFun = true;

  // Collections
  List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
  Set<String> names = {'Jinali', 'Moksha', 'Reet'};
  Map<String, int> ages = {'Jinali': 21, 'Moksha': 20, 'Reet': 14};

  // Utilities and Functions
  print('Square root of $number: ${number.sqrt()}');
  print('PI value: $piValue');
  print('Is Dart fun? $isDartFun');

  // Using DateTime
  DateTime now = DateTime.now();
  print('Current date and time: $now');

Benefits of Understanding dart:core

  • Foundational Knowledge: Mastering dart:core provides a solid foundation for Dart programming, enabling developers to write concise and efficient code.

  • Standardized APIs: Dart's core libraries follow standardized APIs, making it easier to collaborate on projects and understand existing codebases.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Leveraging the utilities and collections in dart:core allows developers to focus on building features rather than implementing basic functionalities from scratch.


In conclusion, the dart:core library is a critical component of Dart programming that offers essential tools and utilities for developers.