Dart Collections: Mutable List & Immutable Lists

Dart Collections: Mutable List & Immutable Lists

Mutable List:

A mutable list in Dart is represented by the List class. Mutable lists can be modified after they are created. You can add, remove, or update elements in a mutable list.

Let's take a look at how you can work with mutable lists in Dart:

Immutable Lists:

Immutable lists, as the name suggests, cannot be modified after creation.

Dart provides the List.unmodifiable constructor to create immutable lists.

Once created, you cannot add, remove, or update elements in an immutable list.

Here's how you can use immutable lists in Dart:


Understanding the differences between mutable and immutable lists in Dart is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable code.

Mutable lists offer flexibility in modifying their contents, while immutable lists provide safety guarantees against unintended modifications.

By choosing the appropriate type of list based on your requirements, you can write more robust Dart programs.